This is an official program of PAMS that introduces exceptional performing arts works that make it possible for participants to understand contemporary trends and artistic completion of arts works of Korean artists and groups. Arts works that successfully go through public contests and domestic and international reviews will be showcased during annual PAMS events, thus being intensively promoted in international performing arts events. On top of that, additional supports for global marketing, including ARKO-PAMS Grant that covers overseas transportation, subtitle translation support by Literature Translation Institute of Korea and training and consulting services for overseas cultivation strategy, are also provided to them. From 2005 to 2014, a total of 150 works were selected through PAMS Choice, before actively making their way to other parts of Asia, Oceania, the Americas and Europe, assisted by those programs.

PAMS Choice 2015 Selections

  • Art Project BORA - Tail Language
    10. 6(Tue) 15:00 - 15:40 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    "Tail Language” intends to satire at the hypocritical culturalism and the analytical error of language through the language of the cat's tail and the symbolic system as the movement ‘s motif.
  • Collective A - Dance,She...Crazy.
    10. 6(Tue) 16:00 - 16:30 Kokdu Theater(1F)
    Must Go Crazy to Be Crazy . The one and only contemporary dancer and choreographer CHA, Jin-yeob’s Solo Performance
  • JJbro - Jimmy & Jack
    10. 6(Tue) 16:50 - 17:15 Studio Theater(5F)
    We are not wrong, just different…
  • Goblin Party - Soul Piercing
    10. 6(Tue) 18:10 - 18:50 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    Playful chaos between the dead and the living presented over the wooden coffin board
  • Mokwha Repertory Company -
    Why Did Shim-Ch’ong Plunge into the Sea Twice?
    10. 7(Wed) 15:00 - 15:30 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    SIMCHUNG who made her father's vision return to him, plunge herself into the deep water again to save the world.
  • Performance Group TUIDA - Quartet on Pain
    10. 7(Wed) 15:50 - 16:10 Kokdu Theater(1F)
    Pain becomes sound, that sound later becomes words, and those words again invoke pain.
  • PANSORI PROJECT ZA - ‘Stranger’s Song’
    10. 7(Wed) 16:30 - 16:50 Studio Theater(5F)
    After collaborating with German writer, Bertolt Brecht, Jaram Lee’s Pansori now interprets the short story of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the master of South American literature.
  • Creative group NONI - Things that Remember 2015
    10. 7, 8(Wed, Thu) 20:00 - 20:40 Seoul Street Art Creative Center
    Things that Remember
  • BARAJI - Beasohn
    10. 8(Thu) 15:00 - 15:40 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    Embrace today with the dignity and thrill of traditional music!
    10. 8(Thu) 15:50 - 16:20 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    The Rhythm of Korea Embraces the Music of the World
  • Tanemotion - TAN+EMOTION
    10. 8(Thu) 16:30 - 16:50 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    The most joyful change of Korean traditional music, TANEMOTION
  • Danpyunsun and the Sailors - Animal
    10. 8(Thu) 17:00 - 17:30 Dongsoong Hall(B2F)
    The most drastic, emotional, and dramatic – It is at the very front line of the avant-garde pop music, facing the new era: Danpyunsun and the Sailors
  • 박박parkpark - No Longer Gagok: room5↻
    10. 8(Thu) 17:30 - 19:30 Studio Theater(5F)
    The viewing of <room5↻> is an introspection through the experience of Gagok

* This is ordered by showcase schedule.